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Stactif Privacy Policy



This privacy policy (hereinafter the"Privacy Policy") defines the terms for the processing of personaldata by STACTIF LUXURY, a simplified joint-stock company registered with theTrade and Companies Register of Créteil under number 919161232, with its registeredoffice at 1 rue d'Estienne d'Orves, Paris, 94370, France (hereinafter"Stactif Luxury"), concerning internet users browsing the website andits clients (hereinafter the "Users").

Terms appearing with an initial capitalletter not defined in the Privacy Policy are defined in the General Terms andConditions of Sale and Use of the Company.

The User's personal data is processed byStactif Luxury as the data controller. Stactif Luxury complies at all timeswith the regulations applicable to it concerning the protection of personaldata, including the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended,and EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council ofApril 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processingof personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter togetherthe "Personal Data Regulation").




The personal data covered by theprocessing carried out under this policy are:

- Identification data such as name,first name, email, address, and others.

- Data related to the User'sinteractions with the website.

- Data related to purchasing behavior.

- Location data.




Information regarding the CustomerAccount is processed to create and manage the Customer Account. The legal basisfor this processing is consent, which can be withdrawn at any time. However,providing the User's personal data is essential for creating a CustomerAccount. Refusal to provide this data makes it impossible to create theCustomer Account.

Information regarding Product and/orService orders is collected for order processing and tracking, as well as forfraud prevention, statistical analysis, and customer knowledge. The legal basisfor this processing is the general terms and conditions of sale and use.Providing the User's personal data is essential for placing an order on thewebsite. Refusal to provide this data makes it impossible to process any order.

Stactif Luxury also uses certainpersonal data of Users for marketing and targeted advertising purposes (sendingelectronic communications, postal or telephone prospecting, and advertisingprofiling by combining data) for its own account or that of partners. The legalbasis for this processing is consent, which can be withdrawn at any time, inwhich case commercial communications directed to the User will cease.




Personal data is hosted by a providerlocated in the European Union, whose identity and contact details are specifiedin the legal notices of the website. The User is informed that Stactif Luxurymay also share its personal data with public bodies or authorities requestingit to comply with a legal obligation or protect rights and with potentialfuture acquirers in compliance with the Personal Data Regulation.

Some personal data may be transmitted toStactif Luxury's partners (the "Subsequent Subcontractors"). StactifLuxury's Subsequent Subcontractors have their own privacy policies to which theUser is invited to refer. In any case, these partners are authorized to usePersonal Data only for the activities described above that they perform onbehalf of Stactif Luxury and only for the purposes set out in this policy.

Stactif Luxury informs the User of anyaddition or modification of Subsequent Subcontractors involved in the scope ofthe processing it carries out via the update of its Privacy Policy. The User isinvited to regularly consult this Privacy Policy and to report any objection toa Subsequent Subcontractor in writing and as soon as possible.




User personal data is retained only forthe time necessary to achieve the purpose for which Stactif Luxury collectedthis data, to meet the needs of Users, or to fulfill its legal or regulatoryarchiving obligations. To establish the retention period for personal data,Stactif Luxury applies the following criteria:

- In the case of Product and/or Serviceorders: personal data is retained for the duration of the contractualrelationship and three years after the collection or the last contact with theUser, for commercial prospecting purposes.

- Stactif Luxury may retain certain datato fulfill its legal or regulatory archiving obligations to enable it toexercise its rights and/or for statistical or historical purposes.

After the above-mentioned periods, personaldata will be deleted, or Stactif Luxury will proceed with anonymization.




The User has the right of access,rectification, deletion (erasure), portability of their personal data,limitation of processing, and the right to object to the processing of theirdata collected and processed by Stactif Luxury by contacting Stactif Luxurydirectly at the following email address:

In case of a complaint, the User cancontact the CNIL, which is the competent authority for the protection ofpersonal data, at the following address: 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris,telephone: 01 53 73 22 22.




Cookies are information placed by awebsite on a user's device when they visit the website. A cookie does notnecessarily contain the name or email address of the User.

Cookies are used to store informationabout the User's browsing on the website, such as the pages visited by the Useror the date and time of the visit. This allows the page to display informationtailored to the User's needs.

The website uses "cookies"technology, which allows the statistical processing of data and providesdetailed information, including the number of Users who have accessed thewebsite, the methods of accessing the website, and the number of accesses byeach User to the website.

Stactif Luxury uses different types ofcookies to meet various needs:

- Functional Cookies (essential)

- Essential Audience Measurements(essential)

- Essential Personalized Content(essential)

- Essential Personalized Advertising(essential)

- Essential Develop and Improve Products(essential)

The installation of certain cookies issubject to the User's consent, when they do not have the exclusive purpose ofenabling or facil

itating navigation on the website orwhen they are not strictly necessary for the provision of Products and/orServices or for managing the relationship with the User. During the first visitto the website, the User is informed by a banner of the conditions fordepositing cookies on their device; they can refuse or accept them freely.

The User can always refuse

the storage of cookies by configuringtheir browser. Disabling essential cookies may hinder the use of allinteractive features of the website.

If using Internet Explorer TM:

- In Internet Explorer, click on the"Tools" button, then on "Internet Options".

- Under the General tab, under"Browsing History", click "Settings".

- Click the "View Files"button.

- Click on the "Name" columnheader to sort all files alphabetically, then browse the list until you seefiles starting with the prefix "Cookie" (all cookies have this prefixand usually contain the name of the website that created the cookie).

- Select the relevant cookie(s) anddelete them.

- Close the window containing the listof files, then click OK twice to return to Internet Explorer.

If using Firefox TM:

- Go to the "Tools" tab of thebrowser and select the "Options" menu.

- In the window that appears, choose"Privacy" and click "Show Cookies".

- Locate the relevant files, then selectand delete them.

If using Safari TM:

- In this browser, choose the "Edit> Preferences" menu.

- Click on "Security".

- Click on "Show Cookies".

- Select the relevant cookies and click"Clear" or "Clear All".

- After deleting the cookies, click"Done".

If using Google Chrome TM:

- Click on the "Tools" menuicon.

- Select "Options".

- Click on the "Advanced" taband go to the "Privacy" section.

- Click the "Show Cookies" button.

- Locate the relevant files, selectthem, and delete them.

- Click "Close" to return tothe browser.